Teacher Assistant – American School of Kosova

Gresa Mustafa

Gresa Mustafa has been part of the ASK team for seven months now. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English Studies and a Master’s degree in Linguistics. Her interests include early childhood education and students with special needs. In relation to that, she has also worked one full year with toddlers and two years with people with Down Syndrome in the educational field. Her favorite learning quote is, “Knowledge, which is acquired under compulsion, obtains no hold on the mind.” -Plato

Valmira Qoku Behluli

Valmira Qoku Behluli, has been part of ASK for six years now. She has always been our Teacher Assistant in Preschool which she enjoys so much. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from the Faculty of Education in the Primary Program. She has also attended several Preschool training programs such as Kosovo Learning Summit etc. Her favorite quote about education is, “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” (Confucius).