Shpresa Mushica Hana
Shpresa has a Bachelor Degree from Prishtina University in Pedagogy and a Master degree in Educational Management Administration & Leadership in AAB. She lived in London for ten years where she attended Carlton College and Middlesex Itec College. She was also part of the Camden College of English Language. She joined ASK in May 2003, as a Student Affairs Officer to continue with School Coordinator and lastly she has been trained as a College Guidance Counselor in the US. She has been part of all the changes that ASK went through and seen her grow and develop into the leading school that is now. Participated in different professional development training such as the training of Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing designed and administered by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, attended College Board Summer Institute for Counselors, in New York, etc. She is also certified as a TOEFL / SAT instructor from American Advising Center.