( 2-3 Years Old)
Our Early Childhood Education Philosophy
“At E.C.E, we know that child development milestones follow a predictable sequence. That is why we make sure to provide an environment where children can learn through play and enhance their strengths and interests through scaffolding.”
Mrs. Figji
Our Early childhood education principal
Our Preschool Program:
Our preschool Program is focused on the well-being of every child and has a safe and play-based environment that promotes the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of all children. Our Preschool program is individualized and personalized to meet the needs of each child per their differentiated needs. We believe in building a strong home-school collaboration. By working closely with families, we guarantee optimum growth in the development of the whole child. School readiness is enhanced when schools, families, and community service providers work collaboratively to ensure that every child is ready for higher levels of learning in academic content.
The maximum capacity of children in one classroom is 17 and includes 1 core teacher and 2 assistants. Each group has been designed to meet the needs of the whole child focusing on early learning skills and literacy readiness. This structure allows for greater differentiation in the development of young children. All instruction occurs first in English and then Albanian.
If ECE becomes your choice, be prepared to join and participate in your child’s learning. Our Hand in Hand program will allow you to plan, imagine, question, play and have a great learning experience together!
The early years program is for children from two to three years old. This foundation stage prepares children for school, immersing them in an English-speaking environment and developing confidence and familiarity to help them succeed at school.
The ECE Preschool curriculum engages students in learning experiences to help them to prepare for success in kindergarten and beyond. Our Preschool emphasizes engaging students in hands-on and social learning experiences that are child-centered. The academic focus is on phonological awareness aiming to expose the children to thousands of sounds and words of the English language. Research shows this lays the foundation for literacy success in the years to come. Likewise, the children experience the sounds and basics of numeracy. We are committed to growing our children with the mindset that they are loved, important and independent. We gather and interpret information and data over time by engaging children in social activities, observing what the child can do, apply, and communicate.
Standard Based Report Cards-Reporting The Achievement Of Learning
Our standard-based reporting scales indicate the degree to which a student meets expectations, as well as consistency and independence. The growth-focused report shows what the student has achieved as well as the next steps in the learning progression. Our report focuses on Positive social and emotional development and provides a critical foundation for lifelong development and learning. In early childhood, social and emotional well-being predicts favorable social, behavioral, and academic adjustment from prek-Kindergarten. Our report helps parents navigate and understand their child’s social and emotional learning standards.
Report Cards are issued four times a year: November, February, April and June.
Report card expectations:
Social and Emotional Learning Standards
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision Making
Approaches to Play and
Physical Development & Well-Being
Grading Scale
Not Yet Observed
Beginning to Demonstrate
In Progress with Support
Developing Independently
Student Handbook
to support students in their learning of responsibility and self-discipline as an educational process rather than as a punitive outcome. We support a model of positive discipline: setting clear expectations for behavior, providing explicit teaching of expectations, and delivering meaningful and timely feedback for appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
Here you may find the ECE Student Handbook.
Student Service
At ECE, we are committed to building a community of diverse learners, which benefits us all as an inclusive community and as global citizens. We invite and welcome students with a range of needs on a case-by-case basis given our present ability to provide the necessary services and support. We believe that everyone should be included, challenged, and successful. We understand the complexity of providing support for students with a range of learning or cognitive disabilities and make plans with parents and caregivers, starting at the point of admissions, to ensure that the needs of all children are met.
Working to support students who are gifted is also central to our mission, as is providing the right level of challenge for every student. If a student is identified with learning ability and/or gifted & talented, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be developed and implemented. Also, to meet the needs of all our students, we collaborate to offer a range of learning support interventions. When a student requires more intensive mediation of their learning, we initiate the Student Service Team (SST) Process and implement short term interventions as the next step. If further support is needed, a diagnostic process will be initiated to confirm or rule out a learning disability. Further steps will be taken based on what is learned from the diagnostic process.
Here you will find the detailed Student Service Handbook.
Cognia Accreditation
Cognia is the largest community of education professionals in the world. A non-profit, non-partisan organization that conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of Pre-K-12 schools and school systems to ensure that all learners realize their full potential.
American School of Kosova is highly ranked by Cognia, the largest accrediting institution in the world of Pre-K- Grade 12 education. In June, 2023, Cognia ranked the American School of Kosova above the Cognia Network Average. Cognia acknowledges and applauds the dedication of the American School of Kosova staff in its continuous improvement and commitment to quality.