( 4-5 Years Old)
Kindergarten 4 & 5 Philosophy
The academic learning program and social experiences provided to the ASK kindergarten students prepare them for success at the elementary school level. The ASK Kindergarten program emphasizes engaging learning experiences for kindergarten children. The ASK Kindergarten program is a full-day learning program focused on the academic, social, and emotional growth of students.
Students are actively engaged in activities and projects that help them learn about their world. ASK believes that Kindergarten students need to be active participants in their learning process and the teachers’ role is to guide students by encouraging them to explore their interests while also introducing them to new stimulating experiences. Our classrooms are designed to invite children to read, think, create, explore and learn.
I CAN . .
• Ask for help and tell someone how I am feeling
• Recognize, write and know the sounds of letters
• Read and write simple words and basic sentences
• Recognize, write numbers, showing concepts of how many, more and less
• Show my understanding of adding and subtracting with objects and solving equations
• Write a simple story through picture and words
• Express how I, plants and animals grow from small to big
• Observe and describe change as part of a life cycle
• Talk about how we are in some ways the same and different, and why this is good
Kindergarten School Curriculum
The curriculum at ASK is based on U.S Common Core State Standards that define what students should know and be able to do for each subject area. These standards provide clear and coherent learning targets and progression. Standards are divided into benchmarks, which describe the increasingly complex content and skills that students address as they move from one grade level to another. Standards and benchmarks help us focus on the process, as well as the product, and break learning into manageable steps that guide teachers and can be shared with students.
Here you may find the ES & MS Curriculum Handbook
Kindergarten 4 and 5 – Grading Scale
E – Exceeding Expectations: The student is meeting grade level expectations with distinction. Performance is characterised by self-motivation and the ability to apply skills with consistent accuracy and independence, and a high level of quality.
ME – Meeting Expectations: The student is consistently meeting grade level expectations, with little or no support. Performance is characterised by thorough understanding of concepts and skills.
AE – Approaching Expectations: The student is progressing toward grade level expectations. Performance is characterised by the ability to apply skills with increasing success. Performance varies regarding accuracy, quality, and level of support needed.
BE – Beginning Expectations: At this time, the student is not meeting grade level expectations. Performance is inconsistent with guidance and support.
NAY – Not assessed yet
M – The standards for the area indicated have been modified.
Student Handbook
The behavioral philosophy at ASK is to support students in their learning of responsibility and self-discipline as an educational process rather than as a punitive outcome. We support a model of positive discipline: setting clear expectations for behavior, providing explicit teaching of expectations, and delivering meaningful and timely feedback for appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
Here you may find the School Student Handbook
Advisory Program
The Advisory Program is a program developed by the school’s Advisory Team which helps students with their social/emotional growth, leadership skills and overall social dilemmas. The Advisory Program offers emotional support for students. Students meet regularly with the assigned Homeroom teacher during a scheduled period. Different activities are planned in order to provide consistent support and guidance from the teacher.
Here you may find the Advisory Program Handbook
Student Services
Student Service (preK – Grade 12)
At the American School of Kosova (ASK), we are committed to building a community of diverse learners, which benefits us all as an inclusive community and as global citizens. We invite and welcome students with a range of needs on a case–by–case basis given our present ability to provide the necessary services and support.
We believe that everyone should be included, challenged, and successful. We understand the complexity of providing support for students with a range of learning or cognitive disabilities and make plans with parents and caregivers, starting at the point of admissions, to ensure that the needs of all children are met.
Working to support students who are gifted is also central to our mission, as is providing the right level of challenge for every student.
If a student is identified with learning ability and/or gifted & talented, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be developed and implemented. Also to meet the needs of all our students, we collaborate to offer a range of learning support interventions. When a student requires more intensive mediation of their learning, we initiate the Student Study Team (SST) Process and implement short term interventions as the next step. If further support is needed, a diagnostic process will be initiated to confirm or rule out a learning disability. Further steps will be taken based on what is learned from the diagnostic process.
Here you will find the detailed Student Service Handbook.